The Museumshop

Voor de horizon. Loes van der Horst

‘The stretching of shapes and forms in a space’ is how Loes van der Horst (1919-2012) described her works of art. In this beautifully produced monography which she compiled herself, she provided an insight into her life’s work. After a brief period of working with textiles, she switched to synthetics, aluminium and steel, which meant that her work moved out of the studio and into public spaces. This book shows that evolution in a richly illustrated narrative, supported by her own words and informative contributions from other authors.
Hardcover | Dutch | 271 pages | 2009
Authors: Loes van der Horst, Friso Broeksma, Evert van Straaten et al.
Publisher: Thieme Art, Deventer
Dimensions: 29,8 x 21 x 2,8 cm.
Weight: 1370 gram
ISBN 9789078964445
Article number:  2011950
€44,95 Incl. tax
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